We need to look at the features, interface, graphics, stability, program size of any app for the iphone.
A quality app will have a full feature-set, whether it’s a game or a complex navigational GPS program. From customizable elements to using the iPhone’s built-in accelerometer and touch screen, to sounds and volume, the features of the application are the first sign of a developer’s commitment to his or her product.
A quality app will have a full feature-set, whether it’s a game or a complex navigational GPS program. From customizable elements to using the iPhone’s built-in accelerometer and touch screen, to sounds and volume, the features of the application are the first sign of a developer’s commitment to his or her product.
While features are important to an app, an easy-to-use interface is just as crucial. Apple’s hallmark style includes an intuitive user interface. Many a developer has seen his or her hard work being all for naught because the interface of their programs are too confusing or difficult to use. The controls for an application should be easy to understand and simple to use without requiring a lot of additional direction from the programmer. It really doesn’t matter how neat the idea behind the app is: if you struggle with the interface, you’re not going to use it.
While features are important to an app, an easy-to-use interface is just as crucial. Apple’s hallmark style includes an intuitive user interface. Many a developer has seen his or her hard work being all for naught because the interface of their programs are too confusing or difficult to use. The controls for an application should be easy to understand and simple to use without requiring a lot of additional direction from the programmer. It really doesn’t matter how neat the idea behind the app is: if you struggle with the interface, you’re not going to use it.
Graphics are the eye-candy of the mobile app. A visually appealing program increases its value as well as shows off the beautiful touchscreen of the iPhone. Style of the graphics is a different element than quality. If the app is advertised as a retro-style game, the graphics should represent a retro style throughout the program, but if an app were supposed to be an elegant Zen garden the comic style of a retro game would be inappropriate. The images should also be well thought out and professionally rendered throughout the software. Amateurish graphics will become annoying and will cause you to quickly lose interest in the app.
Graphics are the eye-candy of the mobile app. A visually appealing program increases its value as well as shows off the beautiful touchscreen of the iPhone. Style of the graphics is a different element than quality. If the app is advertised as a retro-style game, the graphics should represent a retro style throughout the program, but if an app were supposed to be an elegant Zen garden the comic style of a retro game would be inappropriate. The images should also be well thought out and professionally rendered throughout the software. Amateurish graphics will become annoying and will cause you to quickly lose interest in the app.
All of the previously mentioned pieces are important and desirable in a quality app, but stability is the key to the whole operation. If the program continually locks up your iPhone or iPod touch causing it to freeze or restart, it’s certain to be discarded rapidly. And if the app wasn’t free, the pain of it’s instability is compounded.
All of the previously mentioned pieces are important and desirable in a quality app, but stability is the key to the whole operation. If the program continually locks up your iPhone or iPod touch causing it to freeze or restart, it’s certain to be discarded rapidly. And if the app wasn’t free, the pain of it’s instability is compounded.
Program size:
The final element to consider in an app is program size. Since you can’t add additional memory to your iPhone, it’s important to manage the amount of memory an application requires. Generally, most of the apps are relatively small but there are a few that are sizeable and will gobble up your storage space quickly. If you decide that there is a large app you absolutely can’t live without, by all means download it, but be aware of the memory limitations this will impose upon your iPhone.
The final element to consider in an app is program size. Since you can’t add additional memory to your iPhone, it’s important to manage the amount of memory an application requires. Generally, most of the apps are relatively small but there are a few that are sizeable and will gobble up your storage space quickly. If you decide that there is a large app you absolutely can’t live without, by all means download it, but be aware of the memory limitations this will impose upon your iPhone.
Courtesy: http://iphone-apps.toptenreviews.com/
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